Avand personal pregatit si specializat pentru fiecare tip de activitate si dispunand de un depozit modern ce corespunde tuturor standardelor, precum si
de mijloacele eficiente de manipulare si transport al produselor, credem ca suntem de departe alegerea potrivita pentru a fi partenerul Dumneavoastra in
acest sector de business.
In paralel cu activitatea de baza, compania a facut eforturi pentru dezvoltarea altor segmente B2B si urmare a acestora putem acum oferii cu succes
servicii de inchirieri spatii comerciale cu destinatie de birouri in cladiri proprii, precum si inchirieri de echipamente pentru constructii.
De asemenea dispunem si de un restaurant modern situat in incinta cladirii ADMIN. Acesta poate fi locul ideal pentru intalnirile de afaceri sau pentru
evenimente familiale ori corporate sustinute de Dumneavoastra.
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>English>> Established in 1993, SC Adexim Modelcom SRL is one of the big companies in Romania, specialized in the distribution of beer, wine, spirits, soft drinks,
mineral water, sweets and coffee.
We have partners / collaborators, famous companies like Bergenbier, COTNARI, GRANDDIS, Coca-Cola, carpatina, ROSHEN and Cafea Fortuna; companies whose products
do not need presentation. We have partnerships with less established companies that come to market with niche products to meet the full demand and increasingly demanding of our
Having trained personnel and specialized for each type of activity and providing a modern warehouse which meets all standards, and effective means of handling and transportation
of products, we believe we are far right choice for your partner in this business sector.
In parallel with the base, the company has made efforts to develop other segments B2B and therefore them we can now offer rental services in own commercial office buildings and
we can rent construction equipment.
Also features a modern restaurant located in the building ADMIN. It can be the ideal place for business meetings or for family or corporate events held by you.